The Sundarbans, located in the southern part of West Bengal, is one of the world’s largest and most unique mangrove ecosystems. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a Biosphere Reserve, and a National Park, attracting tourists and nature enthusiasts from all over the world. The Sundarbans is famous for its unique flora and fauna, as well as its rich cultural heritage. In this blog, we will explore why the Sundarbans is so famous in West Bengal.

Flora and Fauna

The Sundarbans is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are rare and endangered. The mangrove forests are the habitat for the Royal Bengal Tiger, one of the most majestic and endangered big cats in the world. It is estimated that there are around 100 tigers in the Sundarbans, making it one of the few places on earth where you can see these animals in the wild. In addition to the Bengal Tiger, the Sundarbans is also home to several other endangered species such as the Saltwater Crocodile, Indian Python, and River Terrapin.

The Sundarbans is also famous for its avian population, with over 200 species of birds found here. The White-Bellied Sea Eagle, Mangrove Whistler, and the Osprey are some of the popular birds that can be seen in the Sundarbans.

The Sundarbans is also famous for its unique vegetation, which includes various types of mangrove trees. The Sundari tree, from which the Sundarbans derives its name, is the most prominent among them. These trees have adapted to the saline and waterlogged environment of the delta, making them resistant to saltwater and tidal inundation. Other notable plant species found in the Sundarbans include Nypa Palm, Gewa, Keora, and Goran.

Confluence of five rivers:

In Sundarbans, the convergence of five rivers including Malta River, Raimangal River, Bidyadhari River, Saptamukhi River, Baleshwari River, etc., creates a stunning and tranquil view. Sundarbans serves as the meeting point of these beautiful rivers.

Medicinal plants

Sundarbans is home to several vital medicinal plants that have proven effective in treating various ailments, including cancer. Numerous research and experimentation are ongoing to harness the full potential of these plants for the benefit of humanity.

Cultural Heritage

The Sundarbans has a rich cultural heritage that dates back several centuries. The area is home to several indigenous communities such as the Munda, Lodha, and Mahato tribes. These communities have lived in harmony with the natural environment for generations and have developed unique cultural practices and beliefs.

One of the most famous cultural practices in the Sundarbans is the worship of Bonbibi, a forest goddess. The legend goes that Bonbibi protected the people of the Sundarbans from the man-eating tigers that roam the area. Her shrine is located in the Sundarbans, and people from all over the region come to pay their respects to her.


The Sundarbans is a popular tourist destination, attracting thousands of visitors every year. The area offers several activities for tourists, such as boat rides, wildlife safaris, and bird watching. The Sundarbans also has several eco-tourism lodges that offer comfortable accommodation and guided sundarban tours.


The Sundarbans is one of the most unique and diverse ecosystems on the planet, and it’s no wonder that it’s so famous in West Bengal. The area’s rich flora and fauna, cultural heritage, and tourist attractions make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in nature and adventure. However, it’s essential to remember that the Sundarbans is a fragile ecosystem that requires careful management and conservation to ensure its survival for future generations.

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